Category Archives: Vegan Q&A

I’m not ready to be vegan yet! (How to get closer to veganism)

Want to explore veganism? I promise you, there is life beyond the mental block.

  You hear all about vegans and how going vegan will help the animals and you and the planet. And the arguments sound good. You wish you could go vegan. But right now, it seems so out of reach. Here are some different approaches that you can take to get closer to veganism or vegetarianism even if you don’t think you can get quite there yet. 

Continue reading I’m not ready to be vegan yet! (How to get closer to veganism)

Can I eat this in front of you? (When vegans and nonvegans dine together)

   Hi and welcome back to the questions for vegans series! Today, we’re looking at a question that has more nuance to it than you might realize. And I certainly can’t speak for every vegan, but I can hope to give you the lay of the land when it comes to common vegan thoughts on the subject. So let’s talk about vegans, nonvegans, and when they come together to eat. 

Continue reading Can I eat this in front of you? (When vegans and nonvegans dine together)

If we all went vegan overnight, what would happen to the animals?

   Welcome back to Eight Years In, and welcome back to our questions for vegan series. We’re taking all of those questions that might annoy vegans, and answering them honestly. I find today’s question very stimulating and involved, because it involves so many twists and turns. We’re talking about the animals and how they might be affected by the world going vegan overnight.

Continue reading If we all went vegan overnight, what would happen to the animals?