Category Archives: Beyond veganism

Where Veganism Fails

  Hello, and welcome to Eight Years In. And if you’re a returning reader, welcome back! As many of you may know, here on Eight Years In, we love veganism. That being said, after nine years of living a vegan lifestyle, I have a lot to say about veganism’s little failures and downsides. And there’s something in the vegan community that I feel could and should be improved. There’s this idea that veganism is essentially bulletproof, infallible, and the be-all, end-all. And well, if you ask me, that’s simply not true.

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Improve the world by prioritizing yourself

   Hello and welcome back to Eight Years In. I like to talk a lot on here about things that we can do to make this world a better place. It’s all so external. And that’s great and important. But the fact is, everyone comes to a certain point in their life where they have nothing to give. And that’s okay. But it’s how we deal with it that makes all the difference. 

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What can I do to save water?

   We hear a lot about water conservation these days in circles that are concerned about the environment and personal responsibility. And you know, that’s for good reason. The fact is, most of us are using more than we need to. So for those of us who are living our daily lives and want to know what we can do to do our part, let’s talk about the little things. Things we can all be mindful of, to save water. 

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