If we all went vegan overnight, what would happen to the animals?

   Welcome back to Eight Years In, and welcome back to our questions for vegan series. We’re taking all of those questions that might annoy vegans, and answering them honestly. I find today’s question very stimulating and involved, because it involves so many twists and turns. We’re talking about the animals and how they might be affected by the world going vegan overnight.

Continue reading If we all went vegan overnight, what would happen to the animals?

Questions to stop asking vegans (+ their honest answers)

   So, being vegan, you’re used to being asked about it. Most people aren’t vegan, and whenever you’re the different one, well, people are bound to be curious. However, as a long-term vegan myself, I can’t say I don’t sympathize with the vegans who get flustered at questions. It can be annoying, getting the same questions all the time. It feels like you may never get to the end of talking about things that really aren’t that important to your lifestyle. 

Continue reading Questions to stop asking vegans (+ their honest answers)

Vegans, it’s okay to eat faux meat!

   Today, I want to talk about vegan replacement foods, such as faux meats, plant based milks, cheeses made from nuts, etc. In fact, I’ve wanted to talk about this for a long time. If you’re looking for a quick summary of this post, the title says it all, really. But I think this is a topic that we don’t talk about much in the community. So let’s, right now. Because there’s surprisingly a lot to say. 

Continue reading Vegans, it’s okay to eat faux meat!

What can I do to save water?

   We hear a lot about water conservation these days in circles that are concerned about the environment and personal responsibility. And you know, that’s for good reason. The fact is, most of us are using more than we need to. So for those of us who are living our daily lives and want to know what we can do to do our part, let’s talk about the little things. Things we can all be mindful of, to save water. 

Continue reading What can I do to save water?

Kahan’s Dairy-free Hot Chocolate Review

   At home, I have a keurig machine. (It’s actually kind of a funny story, we got it for free about a year ago, but I digress.) And when we first got it, I thought there wouldn’t be very many options for me, since most things I have seen for it are coffee with some sort of milk in it. Largely, I was right. However, I did find something…

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