Kahan’s Dairy-free Hot Chocolate Review

   At home, I have a keurig machine. (It’s actually kind of a funny story, we got it for free about a year ago, but I digress.) And when we first got it, I thought there wouldn’t be very many options for me, since most things I have seen for it are coffee with some sort of milk in it. Largely, I was right. However, I did find something…

   This is a review for Kahan’s dairy-free hot chocolate. I wanted to talk about this cocoa because it’s one of the few truly exciting things that I could find for a K-Cup that was vegan. Don’t get me wrong, I like tea and apple cider. But I don’t know, they just aren’t really all that interesting for me. And if I’m going to drink tea, I prefer it to be the loose-leaf sort that you scoop into a strainer and watch it steep. There’s something about the ritual of it that I find soothing.    

   At any rate, it was for this reason that I wanted something else. Some flavored coffee or something. And then I found it. Vegan hot cocoa. 

Vegan hot chocolate

   I was hesitant to buy this product because I was skeptical. Could they really deliver a vegan hot chocolate in a powdered form? In the past, every vegan cocoa mix I found needed some sort of plant milk with it, and even then, the results were underwhelming. So how could this company really pull it off with just some powder and hot water? 

   But obviously, my curiosity and optimism got the best of me. I mean, if this product was even halfway satisfying, I knew I would be a very happy gal. So I buckled. 

Did they deliver?

   “So, what’s the verdict? Is the cocoa good or not?” I hear you asking. I can say with certainty that it is very good. It’s sweet enough for my relentless tastebuds, and it doesn’t have any weird aftertaste that vegan products sometimes have when they’re trying too hard to mimic the taste of something. And I was worried about that, because reading through the reviews, it seemed like there were a lot of people saying that it didn’t taste good. (Now that I’m looking through the reviews again, I think I was just focusing on the negative ones, because overall it’s got a good rating.) 

 I do agree that it’s not as thick and creamy as if you made it with whole milk. That’s no surprise. But it’s not super watery like I was worried it might be. I would say it’s about the same as a nonvegan powdered hot chocolate in that way. I suppose if you wanted it thicker, you could heat up some plant milk (coconut would probably be the thickest) and mix it with that instead of the water that you would use with the Keurig. But honestly, that’s more work, and I’m not going to do that. I’m making vegan cocoa from a Keurig machine because I’m feeling lazy, obviously I’m not going to put in more work than I have to. 

Would I buy it again?

   So then comes the question, “would you buy it again?” And again, the answer is yes. In fact, I have a few times already. I try not to make it very often because it’s not the healthiest (obviously). Also, the extra plastic isn’t good for the environment. Not to mention it’s not super cheap either. (Like most K-Cups, you’re paying more than if you just made the drink yourself.) But that hasn’t stopped me from making it an infrequent repeat purchase.

   This cocoa is really delicious, and super comforting after a long day or in the cold weather. When I make myself a mug of it, I feel really special, and that’s nice. So every once in a while, it feels great to make myself a cup of cocoa and settle in for a cozy morning (or evening) in. 

   I would say that this is the best vegan K-Cup on the market right now, in my humble opinion. I’m open to changing my mind if I come across contradicting evidence, but for now, this is definitely where it’s at. And if you’re someone who uses K-Cups on the regular, I’d recommend you check it out! Even if you’re not vegan yourself, it’s a delicious cocoa and worth a try.

And as always, thanks for reading. Have a good day!