What I’ve learned as a long-term vegan

Hello, and welcome back to Eight Years In! As the name of the site suggests, I’ve been vegan for years now. And recently, I celebrated my nine year vegan anniversary! I’ve very much enjoyed my vegan journey, as well as creating this website for you all to follow along and learn with me.

And today, I wanted to look back at some of the lessons that I’ve learned along the way. Because as much as being vegan is simple in theory, it is what I would consider a learning experience.

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Review of Panda Chocolate (A Vegan Chocolate Company)

When I first went vegan, I didn’t eat chocolate for a really long time. I didn’t like dark chocolate at first and there weren’t any other options if you didn’t want to consume dairy. And over the years, I started enjoying dark chocolate, so I started eating chocolate again. But if I had gone vegan more recently, I wouldn’t have had that problem. Because now there’s Panda Chocolate.

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How to Create a Vegan World: A Review

   Hello and welcome to Eight Years In! There’s a book called, “How to Create a Vegan World: a Pragmatic Approach” by Tobias Leenaert. And believe me when I tell you that with a title like that, I had been itching to read it for quite some time. So I finally got my hands on it and I read it. Voraciously. Here’s what I thought. 

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I’m not ready to be vegan yet! (How to get closer to veganism)

Want to explore veganism? I promise you, there is life beyond the mental block.

  You hear all about vegans and how going vegan will help the animals and you and the planet. And the arguments sound good. You wish you could go vegan. But right now, it seems so out of reach. Here are some different approaches that you can take to get closer to veganism or vegetarianism even if you don’t think you can get quite there yet. 

Continue reading I’m not ready to be vegan yet! (How to get closer to veganism)

The ups and downs of vegan social media

   Hello, and welcome back to Eight Years In. Today, we’re talking about the online vegan movement and the pros and cons to it. Obviously, I’m convinced that the pros outweigh the cons since, well, look at me, I’m participating in it. But I think it would benefit us to take a more critical look at these things, so that we realize what we’re really doing. The more we look at this thing, the better we can try to diminish the downsides and take advantage of the help it brings. 

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