Category Archives: Uncategorized

Unravelling the Oddity of Nonveganism

   Hello and welcome to Eight Years In! And if you’re returning, welcome back! Thanks for returning to this blog and hearing what I have to say. Now, today we’re talking about an interesting topic that any vegan is going to hold near and dear to their heart. But the title might seem a bit sensationalist. So let’s start there, and I’ll explain myself. 

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The ups and downs of vegan social media

   Hello, and welcome back to Eight Years In. Today, we’re talking about the online vegan movement and the pros and cons to it. Obviously, I’m convinced that the pros outweigh the cons since, well, look at me, I’m participating in it. But I think it would benefit us to take a more critical look at these things, so that we realize what we’re really doing. The more we look at this thing, the better we can try to diminish the downsides and take advantage of the help it brings. 

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Why do vegans make food that looks like meat?

   Hi everyone, and welcome back to Eight Years In. Today we have a new addition to our questions for vegans series about vegan replacement foods. Now, I’ve already talked about this weird sense of judgment that exists with some members of the vegan community around these foods. If you’re interested, you can find that here. But today, we’re talking about things from the nonvegan standpoint. So let’s get started!

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