Improve the world by prioritizing yourself

   Hello and welcome back to Eight Years In. I like to talk a lot on here about things that we can do to make this world a better place. It’s all so external. And that’s great and important. But the fact is, everyone comes to a certain point in their life where they have nothing to give. And that’s okay. But it’s how we deal with it that makes all the difference. 

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How I quit eating cheese

   Hello and welcome back to Eight Years In. (And if you’re new, welcome!) I’m Rebekah and I’ve been vegan for nine years now. If there’s something about veganism that I hear a lot, it’s that people don’t think they could give up cheese. Which I understand. Living in the Midwestern US, cheese was a big part of my diet before going vegan. And if you had asked me two months before going vegan if I could give up all animal products, I would have told you no way. (Once you explained to me what they were.)

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