Advice for new vegans

Hello, and welcome to Eight Years In! (And welcome back to my returning readers!) Today is a very special post, because I’ve written it in celebration of my 10 year vegan anniversary. That’s right, this month I celebrate 10 years of being vegan. And so I wanted to make a piece that would help others, people who are just starting out.

When I first went vegan, I had no idea what I was doing, and I didn’t know any other vegans who could show me the way, either. I looked online for guidance, as you are doing right now. And while I know that ten years of veganism doesn’t give me all the answers, I’ve definitely been doing this long enough to provide you with a few tips and tricks. These are the things that I wish I would have known before going vegan that would have helped me immensely, and I hope that reading this helps you!

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The lies that vegans tell

Hello and welcome back to Eight Years In! And if you’re new here, a warm welcome to you. I’ve been vegan for years, and I love it. That being said, I do think that vegans sometimes misrepresent veganism, advertently or inadvertently. And I do feel it’s quite necessary to give people an accurate idea of veganism, or else we run the risk of them not knowing what they’re getting into, and feeling lied to after they try (and possibly fail) to “go vegan”.

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Vegan and Cerebral Palsy

Photo of Daniel with DK4Poetry at a microphone, hosting an event
Meet Daniel, vegan since 2020

Hello everyone and welcome back to Eight Years In! (And if you’re new, a very warm welcome to you!) Today, we have a special guest with us who I’m very excited to introduce you to. His name is Daniel, and he wanted to come on the site and share a little bit about his journey with veganism and cerebral palsy. He is also a great writer and musician. I strongly encourage you all to check out his YouTube channel here when you get the chance. You can also find him on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @DK4poetry (or on Facebook, simply DK4 Poetry). Without any further ado, here’s Daniel!

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Unravelling the Oddity of Nonveganism

   Hello and welcome to Eight Years In! And if you’re returning, welcome back! Thanks for returning to this blog and hearing what I have to say. Now, today we’re talking about an interesting topic that any vegan is going to hold near and dear to their heart. But the title might seem a bit sensationalist. So let’s start there, and I’ll explain myself. 

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