Hello, and welcome to Eight Years In. And if you’re a returning reader, welcome back! As many of you may know, here on Eight Years In, we love veganism. That being said, after nine years of living a vegan lifestyle, I have a lot to say about veganism’s little failures and downsides. And there’s something in the vegan community that I feel could and should be improved. There’s this idea that veganism is essentially bulletproof, infallible, and the be-all, end-all. And well, if you ask me, that’s simply not true.
Continue reading Where Veganism FailsCategory Archives: Social Interactions
How I quit eating cheese
Hello and welcome back to Eight Years In. (And if you’re new, welcome!) I’m Rebekah and I’ve been vegan for nine years now. If there’s something about veganism that I hear a lot, it’s that people don’t think they could give up cheese. Which I understand. Living in the Midwestern US, cheese was a big part of my diet before going vegan. And if you had asked me two months before going vegan if I could give up all animal products, I would have told you no way. (Once you explained to me what they were.)
Continue reading How I quit eating cheeseIs it hard to be vegan?
Hello, and welcome to Eight Years In! Here, we talk a lot about veganism and other things that we can do to make a difference and live an ethical life. If you’re thinking of going vegan, you’re probably going to wonder if being vegan is hard.
Continue reading Is it hard to be vegan?Why caring about vegans is good business for nonvegan restaurants
I went to a nonvegan restaurant recently where I was really cared for. In fact, I wasn’t quite used to it. But when I really thought about it, I realized, this is how it should be. Not just because I like to be waited on, but for business. Let me explain.
Continue reading Why caring about vegans is good business for nonvegan restaurantsHow to do barbecue as a vegan
Summertime is coming, and if you’re newly vegan or considering veganism you may be feeling a bit worried about the barbecue season. But don’t worry! You don’t have to give up all your favorite summertime get-togethers.
Continue reading How to do barbecue as a veganThe Problem with a Vegan Identity
As many of you know (or could have gleaned from the name of this site), I’ve been vegan for years. And you know something? My veganism is really important to me. But I’ve noticed something in the vegan community and I find issue with it, so I wanted to talk about it.
Continue reading The Problem with a Vegan IdentityWhy you should celebrate your vegan anniversary
Hello, and welcome to Eight Years In! And if you’re a returning reader, welcome back, and thank you! Now, if you’ve been reading my posts recently, you’ll know that I celebrated my nine year vegan anniversary not too long ago. And I wanted to talk about the practice of having and celebrating your vegan anniversary. Because there is a significance to it, if you ask me. So let’s get into it, shall we?
Continue reading Why you should celebrate your vegan anniversaryDoes veganism make you depressed?
Hello and welcome to Eight Years In! Today we’re talking about veganism and depression. This is a very important topic that I don’t think gets talked about often enough in the vegan community, and I wanted to change that today. So let’s get real and talk about all of these depressed vegans!
Continue reading Does veganism make you depressed?I’m not ready to be vegan yet! (How to get closer to veganism)
You hear all about vegans and how going vegan will help the animals and you and the planet. And the arguments sound good. You wish you could go vegan. But right now, it seems so out of reach. Here are some different approaches that you can take to get closer to veganism or vegetarianism even if you don’t think you can get quite there yet.
Continue reading I’m not ready to be vegan yet! (How to get closer to veganism)The best parts about being vegan
Hello, and welcome back to Eight Years In! We’ve been on a bit of a kick lately. We talked about the worst parts about veganism and why going vegan isn’t as bad as you think (which you can find here and here, respectively). But after all of those concerns and complaints, I bet you’re wondering what the good parts about being vegan are.
Continue reading The best parts about being vegan